Famous figures from Earth (a rotating cast of comics and actors) are reanimated by an alien overlords (played by Keisha Zollar and Andrew Kimler) to compete on a game show for the right to save the universe. Brought to you by KAZM.
KAZM (Keisha, Andrew, Zoe and Mark) is a comedy writing team who made content for the Internet Action Force, and official and unofficial digital content for Hillary for America, including contributing to James Franco’s endorsement videos and puking quietly in the UCB bathroom when the Ohio results came in. KAZM consists of Keisha Zollar (The Opposition with Jordan Klepper, Astronomy Club), Andrew Kimler (NowThis, Applying It Liberally, Electoral Dysfunction), Zoe Samuel (A Comedy of Manors), and Mark Lichtenstein (ABC/CBS News, Robot Butt, Extra Newsfeed, MovieTime.Guru, etc). KAZM once spent over a year being politely screwed within the bowels of Sinclair Broadcast Group, selling them two pilots, before we realized they were evil.